Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog about CITEd Toolkit

Wow, what a cool site! A lot of my projects this semester have been about trying to centralize all of the wonderful resources on the internet. My MMP project, for example, was about trying to centralize one place for all of the powerful tools to support writing and the teaching of writing. This site takes that concept and blows it up. I decided that I would focus my site for administrators this time rather than teachers like I usually do. Quite frankly, teachers tend to be way ahead of the game when using technology compared to administrators today. My site is really for the administrators who are instructional leaders more than policy makers but really they should be doing both (more instruction ideally). My kit includes resources for technology and policy, fostering leaders of technology, cyber bullying, sites that were a collection of sites that support technology in education, math technology supports, using blogs in leadership, technology and reading, technology and assessment, technology and curriculum and instruction, and so much more. I pulled the bulk of my articles out of the administrators tab but some came out of the professional development tab as well. While it was created because I certainly found it interesting, I also hope this site will be helpful to my two vice principals and director of technology with whom I shared the toolkit with. They were definitely who I had in mind as the toolkit developed. If I were to send this to a teacher, I would remove some of the policy stuff and stay centered on resources that connected directly to teaching and learning. Overall, this was one of the better resources I have seen in a while. Thanks!


  1. Tyler, I always find your perspective as an administrator interesting especially in the way you respect teachers. Until you mentioned it, I did not think about administrators using technology since so much of the focus is integrating technology with instruction. So, I agree that it seems like teachers (in general) may be slightly ahead of administrators when it comes to using technology. I, too, hope your vice principals find the toolkits you created useful. But, I was thinking how great opportunity it would be for you model the use of the site by creating toolkits for groups of teacher that focus/emphasis initiatives in your building. Of course you can do all this in all the free time you have these days. LOL

  2. Tyler, I love how you decided to focus this on the administrator, especially the one that falls under the role of instructional leader. Writing about teacher leaders for my qualifying exams, I read a lot about how principals are increasing becoming more and more responsible for imparting content knowledge to teachers, especially with the adoption of the Common Core. I, too, felt like just blew it all out the water being online learning to a much deeper, richer level. As I said in my comments to Melissa, it would also be great to share a toolkit with parents to encourage the home-school connection. Doing that virtually would create a platform for parents to be involved at a deep level but in a flexible manner, given everyone's crazy schedules these days.....
