Friday, February 3, 2012

Web design review

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


  1. What a great, but terrible site! I don't think I would ever get anything from there just because of the site. The tackiness of the site and the overall feel of it make it difficult to be taken seriously. That is a problem is bad design. It just doesn't make your product look bad, it brings down your reputation. You could be the best painter out there but if you have a horrendous design for a website, no one will use you.

    Good work!

  2. Hi Tyler,

    WOW! You're absolutely right -- this is one of the creepiest audio intros that I've ever heard on a business website (that wasn't meant to intentionally be creepy, the way that a Halloween shop would want to advertise).

    Tim is right in that this business's website is so badly designed that it's hard to take the work that they can do seriously. I'd also like to point out my concern regarding their ability to paint words of any sort. I say this because they clearly can't spell. If you look at that awful changing bar in the center of the page, you'll see that "Light Industrial" is actually spelled "Light Indutsrial." Are they kidding? Their website is INDUSTRIALPAINT.COM! I'm amazed they managed to spell their own company's name correctly!

    This company clearly committed a number of design sins, many of which you articulated in your screencast.

    Nice job, Tyler!

